Space Beats is a collection of atmospheric and ethereal non traditional trap, hip hop and electronic beats with sound design. If you need some music for documentaries or science videos but still need that cool factor this is a good place to start. This album features many of your B&R favorites composers and the addition of newcomers like Hidden Hand, Frisco, Nuvoid and More. Stand out tracks include Mega Man, Space Ship and In My Dreams.
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Mega Man Doc Sus Space Beats Electronichip hopTrapChange Updrivingbreak beatfunenergy
Space Ship Nuvoid Space Beats hip hopchillatmospherichappyminimalrelaxedetherealTrapBlisssciencecheerfulsouljazzy
Chosen Few Bean One Space Beats Trapminimallight tensionlight suspensemysterysparseneutral
Go On Nuvoid Space Beats atmosphereTrapBlisschillrelaxedhip hopminimalsparseetherealguitarsoulscience
Eye Mind Bean One Space Beats etherealatmosphereBlisschoirchillrelaxedTraphip hoplight tensionlight suspensemysteryspiritual
Ya Never Know Bean One Space Beats atmosphereTrapminimalsparseBlisschillrelaxed
Dzyna Vizion Remix Bean One Space Beats atmosphereTrapchillrelaxedminimalsparse
Tree Fever Bean One Space Beats oddsparseminimalTraplight tensionlight suspense
In my Dreams Hidden Hand Space Beats atmosphereTrapminimalsparseetherealpositivesoulPianorelaxedchill
So Chill Hidden Hand Space Beats atmospherechillrelaxedsoulminimalsparseTrapetherealreflective
4th Dimension Numonics Space Beats light tensionlight suspensemysteryTrapminimalsparseneutral
Reckless Meteor Bean One Space Beats light tensionlight suspenseminimalsparseTrapneutralmystery
Master Peace Brook Brovaz Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedminimalsparseetherealhip hopTrap
Crush Brook Brovaz Space Beats hip hopfunchillhappyrelaxedTrapBlissatmospherecheerful
Its Like Every Time Beats By Beemen Space Beats atmosphereTrapminimalsparseblisschillrelaxed
Take Off Nuvoid Space Beats atmosphereetherealchillblissrelaxedTrapsciencecheerfulpositivelight suspense
Odd I See Jah Freedom Space Beats Trapminimallight tensionlight suspensemysterydigital
Mars Talk Hazardis Soundz Space Beats light tensionlight suspenseTrapminimalsparsePiano
Spacey Bean One Space Beats atmosphereblisschillrelaxeddigitalTrapminimalsparse
Reck Shop Space Bean One Space Beats oddcomedyquirkyhip hopatmospherefunnylight tension
Romance Cool Typhoon Space Beats atmospherechillminimalBlisssparseetherealTrap
Mystery Man Bean One Space Beats light tensionlight suspenseminimalsparseTrapneutralmystery
Select Correct Bean One Space Beats Trapminimalsparsemysteryoddguitarlight tensionlight suspense
Space Odyssey Bean One Space Beats atmospherechillrelaxedBlissminimalsparseetherealTrap
In Orbit Again Bean One Space Beats chillrelaxedhip hopTrapminimalatmosphereethereallight tension
Ugh Bean One Space Beats chillrelaxedatmosphericetherealTraphip hoplight tension
Cosmic Trap Doc Sus Space Beats energybasship hopTrapElectronicvocal
Satellite 808 Cool Typhoon Space Beats chillatmosphererelaxedetherealhip hopTraplight tension
Jungle Bean One Space Beats tensionTrapetherealhip hopdark
Panties Traxxz Space Beats atmospherechillblissrelaxedhip hopTrapminimalsparseetherealsoul
Swagg Traxxz Space Beats buildTrapintensehip hoplight tension
Space Love Traxxz Space Beats atmosphereetherealhip hopTrap
Pretendo Traxxz Space Beats atmosphereetherealminimalsparsehip hopTrapBlisschillrelaxed
The World Is Yours Traxxz Space Beats light tensionlight suspensehip hopTrapDeterminedintense
Victory Traxxz Space Beats atmospherechillrelaxedBlissetherealTraphip hopminimal
Medussa Traxxz Space Beats light tensionlight suspenseTrapintenseDeterminedhip hop
Never Fatman Elite Space Beats intensehip hopDeterminedTraplight tensionlight suspense
Night Fall Fatman Elite Space Beats intensehip hopDeterminedTraplight tensionlight suspenseatmosphere
No Love Fatman Elite Space Beats hand clapsTrapDeterminedintenselight tensionlight suspenseatmosphere
Winter Fatman Elite Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedhip hopminimalTrapsparseethereal
Candy Coated Numonics Space Beats happysciencecheerfulatmosphereBlisschillrelaxedminimaletherealhip hopTrap
Cloudz Numonics Space Beats atmosphereetherealhip hopBlisschillrelaxedminimalsparsehappyscience
Doctors Order Numonics Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedTraphip hopminimalsparseetherealsadreflectivescience
Grey Skies Numonics Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedTraphip hopminimalsparseetherealsadreflectivescience
Hearts Collide Numonics Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedhip hopTrapminimalsparseetherealneutralscience
I Need You Now Numonics Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedminimalsparseetherealneutralsciencehip hopTrap
No More Love Songs Numonics Space Beats atmosphereblisschillrelaxedhip hopTrapminimalsparseetherealneutralscience
Sub Luv Numonics Space Beats atmosphereBlisschillrelaxedhip hopTrapminimalsparseneutralscience
Get Tuff Bean One Space Beats atmospheredrum breakhip hopintenseTrapdrivingheavy
Galactic Pulse Hidden Hand Space Beats atmospherehip hopTrapblisschillrelaxedminimalsparseethereallight tension
Space Tension Hidden Hand Space Beats atmospherechillrelaxedminimalsparseethereallight tensionmysteryTraphip hop
Dream State Hidden Hand Space Beats sadreflectiveminimalsparsechillrelaxhip hopTrapetherealatmosphereBliss
Illusion Hidden Hand Space Beats atmosphereetherealchillsparserelaxedBlisssciencelight tensionlight suspensehip hopTrap
Lost Treasure Hidden Hand Space Beats hip hopsuspensechillmysterysparseminimalrelaxedetherealTraplight tensionatmosphere
Solomons Temple Hidden Hand Space Beats atmosphereetherealrelaxedchillminimalsparsehip hopTrapmysterylight tensionsuspense
Alien Languages Hidden Hand Space Beats hip hopTrapatmosphereetherealchillrelaxedmysterylight tensionsuspenseminimalsparse
Space Trap Hidden Hand Space Beats atmosphereetherealrelaxedchillminimalsparsehip hopTraplight tensionsuspense
Guess Where Brook Brovaz Space Beats atmosphereminimalchillrelaxedhip hopTrapsparselight tension