Our first collection of beats from around the world is here. This collection features hip hop and trap music from Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, England, Egypt, Israel, Jamaica and more!
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Far East Blues J Zone Beats Around The World koreandrum breakenergylight tensionlight suspenseasian
Brazil Bap Brook Brovaz Beats Around The World Brazilboom bapacoustic guitarhornssambahip hophappyfunfeel goodeasy going
Brazilian Trap Brook Brovaz Beats Around The World Brazilsambahip hopTraptensionsynthenergyChange Up
Brazilian Funk Trap w Vocal Abbott Guillen Beats Around The World BrazilTraphip hopenergylight tensionlight suspensesamba
Brazilian Funk No Vocal Abbott Guillen Beats Around The World Brazilsambahip hopTraplight tensionlight suspenseenergy
Brazil Samba Trap No Vocal Abbott Guillen Beats Around The World BrazilsambaTrapcarnivalpartyenergy
Brazil Samba Trap w Vocal Abbott Guillen Beats Around The World BrazilsambaTrapenergycarnivalpartydriving
Brazil Afro Hazardis Soundz Beats Around The World BrazilsambauneasyTraphip hoptensionsuspense
Boss Of Nova DJ Fono Beats Around The World acoustic guitarTrapBraziljazzyrelaxedlighteasy goingfeel good
Streets of Rio Numonics Beats Around The World Brazilchillrelaxedeasy goingfeel goodTrap
Samba To Me Numonics Beats Around The World TrapBrazillight suspensesambachillenergybusy
Bossanuva Numonics Beats Around The World Brazilfeel goodTrapchilleasy goingjazzyhip hop
Portuguese Latino Jah Freedom Beats Around The World BrazilhornsPianohip hopTrapeasy goingfeel good
Mexican Chill Hop Abbott Guillen Beats Around The World mexicochillrelaxedhip hopacoustic guitarLatinfeel goodeasy goingsadmelancholy
Gypsy Trap Kyu Tracks Beats Around The World accordianTrapoddquirkyeastern europeromaniabusygypsy
Asian Journey Kyu Tracks Beats Around The World hip hopfeel goodPianofluteeasy goingasianlight suspensechina
Bombay Fish Market Trap Numonics Beats Around The World Arabicmiddle easternindianTraptensionsuspenseuneasyoboe
Abu Dabi Hazardis Soundz Beats Around The World middle easternArabicTrapuneasysuspenselight tensionbusyindian
Trapghanistan Numonics Beats Around The World hip hopmiddle easternuneasyTrapArabicmysterysuspense
Schwarma Style Numonics Beats Around The World Trapmiddle easternArabichip hopLUTEEGYPTlight tensionlight suspense
Chef Curry Trap Numonics Beats Around The World TrapArabicmiddle easternlight tensionlight suspensefluteuneasyindian
Panda Bear Gryllz Numonics Beats Around The World asianlight tensionlight suspenseuneasyORIENTALTrap
High In Shanghai Numonics Beats Around The World asianchinaORIENTALGONGTrapZITHERrelaxedfeel goodeasy going
Slouvaki Papi Numonics Beats Around The World Greekchillrelaxedeasy goingfeel goodhip hop
Tex Mex Numonics Beats Around The World hip hopfunfeel goodhappyLatinacoustic guitareasy goingTrapmexico
Blood Moon Hazardis Soundz Beats Around The World LatinintenseColombiaPowerfulhip hopeast coastboom bap
El Cartel Kyu Tracks Beats Around The World Latinhip hopmexicoeasy goingfunrelaxedhornsTrap
Latin Trap Brook Brovaz Beats Around The World mexicoLatinTraphip hopeasy goingchillrelaxed
Mexi Trap Brook Brovaz Beats Around The World mexicoTrapLatinhip hopeasy goingfunhorns
Mexican Panderio Hip Hop Brook Brovaz Beats Around The World Latinmexicofeel goodacoustic guitarhappyeasy goinghip hop
Mexico Hop 2 Little Pioneer Beats Around The World mexicoLatinfeel goodflutehorndrivinghip hop
Samba Juice Trap Numonics Beats Around The World Brazilsambalight tensionlight suspenseenergydrivingTrap
Samba Swag Numonics Beats Around The World Brazilsambachilljazzyfeel goodeasy goingacoustic guitarTrap
Sambaza Jah Freedom Beats Around The World Brazilsambabusylight suspensedrivingTraphip hop
Sambaza Underscore Jah Freedom Beats Around The World BrazilsambaTrapunderscoreenergylight suspensedrivingbusy
Trap Mitzvah Numonics Beats Around The World Trapisraeljewishmiddle easternlight suspenselight tensionviolin
Tel Aviv Cheeze Numonics Beats Around The World israeljewishmiddle easternlight tensiondanger
Young Moses Trap Gawd Numonics Beats Around The World israeljewishmiddle easternlight suspenseviolintensionTrap
Zetas Trap Numonics Beats Around The World Trapmexicohip hoplight suspenseLatinguitar
2Step Bruv Numonics Beats Around The World UKBritishgrimey2Stepdreamychillrelaxedenergyfunpartylounge
Grime Time Numonics Beats Around The World UKgrimehip hopdarkintenseBritish
Gutter Grime Numonics Beats Around The World UKBritishdarkintensegrime
Mexican Trizzap Abbott Guillen Beats Around The World mexicoLatinacoustic guitarchillrelaxedeasy goingfeel goodhip hoplaid backtrap
Mexicano Flow Jah Freedom Beats Around The World mexicolaid backLatinTrapacoustic guitarrelaxedeasy goingfeel goodchill
Jamaican Gunshot Jah Freedom Beats Around The World skareggaejamaicanfunhappypositivefeel goodeasy goinghip hop
Babushka Numonics Beats Around The World middle easternArabicTraphip hoptensionsuspenseuneasy