Kurious - Uptown Hit
MF Doom featuring Kurious - Question
Kurious Jorge is an NY underground favorite. First jumping on the scene in the 90's with his debut album a Constipated Monkey on Columbia Records the project was a hip hop classic. He then disappeared only to be the only featured artists on several albums from MF Doom. Fast forward several years Kurious is back and hasn't missed a step, or a beat. Check out his latest B&R track The New World.
The New World feat. Kurious Jorge Kurious Beats & Rhymes Volume 24 smoothupliftingguitarinspirationalmale rap vocalmotivational
Hold Me Tight featuring Kurious Kurious Beats & Rhymes, Volume 1 hip hoppositiveupbeatmale vocalrapfeel goodhappyupliftingbouncylight with religious lyricsKurious
Final Calling featuring Kurious Kurious Beats & Rhymes, Volume 4 bouncy hard drums violin building dramatic symbols male vocal positive rap