War Drums Build One Without Intro DJ Pain 1 Beat Builds and Sound Beds Vol 1 drivingfashionpopbuildinghip hopmarchChange Upenergyglamourdynamicfocuseddetermination
War Drums Build One No Intro DJ Pain 1 Beat Builds and Sound Beds Vol 1 drivinghip hopfashionpopbuildingmarchChange Upenergyglamourdynamicfocuseddetermination
Introduction Roosh Williams Vocals Only II intensedangeroustensiondeterminationmale vocalhip hopAggressivedriving
Way It Is Josh Sallee Vocals Only II anthemhip hopvocalmale vocalswaggersportsdeterminationbig
Dipped Set Cymo Street Trap hip hopTraptriumphantexcitedenergysportslight tensiondeterminationmotivating
Guitar Break Brook Brovaz Guitar Grooves hip hopfundrum breakguitarfunkylight tensiondetermination
Funk Mission Optiks Guitar Grooves funkylight tensionguitarhip hopfundeterminationdrum break
Foo Blue Optiks Guitar Grooves funkylight tensiondeterminationguitardrum breakenergyhip hop
Ya Baby Optiks Guitar Grooves fundeterminationfunkyblueship hopvocal fxguitar
Ya Baby novox Optiks Guitar Grooves funkylight tensionbluesdrivingguitarhip hopfundetermination